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How Estimates to Complete (ETCs) Optimize Spend

Read Time 3 mins | Written by: Lisa Akers

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An Estimate to Complete (ETC) is the estimated amount of funding required to complete the current contract or IAA period from the date of the last invoice submitted by the contractor.    ETCs provide valuable spend information for  Project Managers (PMs), Spend Managers, and Contracting Officer’s  Representatives (CORs).  

The ETC is best provided by the Contractor or Service Provider since they are primarily responsible for delivery.  The ETC information should include: 

  • the date of last invoice period 
  • the ETC amount 
  • the start date of ETC period 
  • the end date of ETC period 
  • the date of the ETC submission

By comparing the ETC amount to the remaining obligated funds, PM, Spend Managers and CORs can identify where additional funding is needed and where extra funding could be reallocated to other projects. 

ETCs should be updated periodically so the PMs, Spend Managers, and CORs can see changes in funding requirements over time and investigate the cause of any changes.  PM, Spend Managers, and CORs can use ETCs to identify where additional funding is needed and where there may be extra funding that could be reallocated to other projects – with enough time to make those changes. 

ETCs allow you to manage your spend more proactively till the end of the period – rather than relying solely on Burn Rates which don’t anticipate your future spend rate.  To optimize your spend management, start requiring periodic ETC from  your contractors and service providers!    

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Lisa Akers

Ms. Lisa Akers brings 25 years of proven Federal and Industry leadership experience, as well as extensive functional expertise in acquisition, program management, assisted acquisition shared services and business operations management. As Executive Vice President of Solutions at Seventh Sense Consulting (SSC), Ms. Akers is responsible for developing and delivering innovative solutions to meet client requirements and objectives. Prior to joining Seventh Sense Consulting, Ms. Akers served as President (2013- 2016) for ASI Government’s Products and Solutions Division where she was responsible for managing the Virtual Acquisition Office (VAO) used by 25,000 federal acquisition professionals and as President (2010 – 2013) for ASI’s Consulting Division that had a $35M portfolio focused on acquisition and program management support services to federal government agencies. Prior to joining ASI Government, Ms. Akers spent over 16 years in the General Services Administration, Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (GSA FEDSIM) where she was the FEDSIM Director for her last five years and Deputy Director for the previous four years. FEDSIM is an assisted acquisition organization specializing in large information technology and services acquisitions with $1.4B annual obligations on behalf of 100+ other federal agencies. Ms. Akers received the 2011 FED100 award for her work as Industry Lead for the ACT-IAC 25 Points to IT Acquisition Reform and the 2006 FED100 award for industry outreach and stakeholder management for the ALLIANT and ALLIANT SB GWACs. She received the Meritorious Service Award while at GSA. She holds a bachelor's degree in Microbiology from Pennsylvania State University, and a master's degree in Information Technology Systems from George Washington University.